GypsyAbout Me: Hello, my name is Gypsy I am soft and sweet. I am safe and look after you like a Mumma
Our Team
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Meet the Team
Find out all about our team of our favourite animal companions and your Muriwai Beach tour guides.

The Horse Herd
Meet our beautiful horse herd and get to know a bit more about them.

GizzyAbout Me: Oh Heeey, I'm Gizzy. I am cheeky and fun, I look after our customers and make sure you’ll

FrankieAbout Me: Yo, I'm Frankie I have a big round butt and huge fluffy feet but don't let that fool you

OllyAbout Me: The names Olly, You can find me on the front rail at the horse park waiting to soak up

TahiAbout Me: Kia ora, Tahi is the name. I belong to Simon and he's a pretty cool guy. I've learnt all

BellaAbout Me: Hello I am Bella. If safety is your concern I am your girl, I’ve introduced many to the

FlickaAbout Me: Hi, I'm Flicka, I come from up north and I think I am the prettiest girl in the herd… I'm
The People Herd
Meet our beautiful people and get to know a bit more about them.

ClaraAbout Me: Clara is a Muriwai local who has ridden and been passionate about horses her whole life.

JoziAbout Me: Jozi has been riding and training horses for the past 10 years and is still going strong

MaggieAbout Me: Maggie or Mags as we call her is one of the most positive rays of sunshine you will ever