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Safe Trekking Information


Safe Trekking Information

Be sure to be honest about your experience level as both the horses and the guides will notice what you are and are not capable of doing and we do not want to disappoint you by refusing a trek for safety concerns.

–  It is a requirement that you wear one of the helmets that we provide or bring your own as long as it fits within NZ standards.

–  Always wear covered toe shoes, NO sandals or jandals.

–  Show respect for the horse and their size and strength.

–  When approaching a horse please let him know you are there by speaking calmly to him and coming from the side, never from behind.

–  When passing a horse at the rear ensure there is plenty of space between yourself and the horse, ať least a couple of meters. 

–  Children are to be supervised at all times and need to remain out of the yard- tie up areas unless accompanied by a guide.

–  We have an age limit of 5 years plus as we trek out in all terrain and require children and adults to pay attention, keep their feet in the stirrups and hands on the reins.

–  When mounted and out riding, never wrap the reins around your hands, hold them between the palm of your hands and fingers.

–  Please remain calm and quiet around the horses, no screaming, yelling or high energy behaviours the horses can spook at loud noises or sudden movements so be aware of your actions.

–  We often ride through bush, forest and low lying branches, do not grab or hold onto any trees and branches as you could pull yourself off horse or get caught, always follow guides instructions and make sure you lean forward under tree branches. 

–  Always follow the guide’s instructions, they are there to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

–  If you are nervous or suffer from a physical disability or illness please make sure this is made clear to your guide so we can help you in any way necessary.

–  Riding a horse is a physical activity that requires you to use your body so a measure of fitness is required.

–  We DO NOT allow babies or toddlers to ride on the same horse as an adult. This is a dangerous and preventable risk.

–  When you are riding please be aware that you are working with your horse, you do have to use commands and be an active participant.

–  Take notice of your environment and the horse’s behaviour, you will hopefully become confident with his personal characteristics and actions. These are intelligent animals.

–  When riding do not invade another horse’s space, make sure there is plenty of room between horses, you do not know the status of your horses within the herd dynamics and this will prevent biting or kicking, guides will share as much information as possible about appropriate spaces and horses personality etc to ensure you have as much information as possible. 

–  Horses can be frightened by sudden movements. Do not throw things from the back of a horse to each other and when removing clothing make sure the guide knows so they can stop and help you with this. Flapping clothing must be done up and secured so as not to scare any of the horses.